
“The amazing Outside Capering Crew at Priddy Folk Festival – the best morris side I’ve seen in many years. Exceptional dancing, lots of fun.” – audience member Jon Cousins on Facebook, July 2024

“…unlike any morris team you’ll ever see … anarchic and highly skilful dancing and music.” – Oxford ceilidhs promo, March 2024

“…some of the best Cotswold dancers in the land, including multiple Sidmouth Jig Competition winners!” – programme plug for our morris workshop at Shrewsbury Folk Festival, August 2024

Older comments

“What can I say? You guys are both the biggest crowd pleasers and best athletes I have seen in either country. Still amazed you could bring down the house any time with a bacca pipes jig.” – Rhett Krause, Marlboro Morris Ale, Vermont

“Your set in the Town Hall on Monday night was fabulous and helped the evening go way better than we all expected!” – Ali Messer of the band Momentum, at Chippenham Folk Festival

“The Outside Capering Crew kicks my vestigial coccyx. Possibly the best morris dancing ever. They get extra points for being nice, teaching us some elementary bacca pipe dancing on Sunday morning, and doing a skit involving people doing the holding-the-broom-and-jumping-over-it trick with rubber chickens. Wow.  – weblog comment by US dancer Miriam

“Best of all was a wonderful jig danced on the Arena stage as part of a celebration of things English, called Frost and Fire. Full on, folks – in a few minutes they showed those present what morris at its best is all about.” – Don Barnes, Squire of the Australian Morris Ring

“Having just witnessed The Outside Capering Crew at Cleethorpes this weekend, I am now of the opinion that anything is possible! (including serious injuries with the non-hairy end of a broom)” – Malcolm Hills, Morris Dance Discussion List

“Street theatre meets morris. One of the most unusual morris acts ever.” – Sidmouth International Festival programme

“Some of the finest legs in the land.” – reference in BBC Radio 2 website review of the Great Grandson of Morris On album, featuring The Crew and Dog Rose Morris.

“Those two dudes dancing with brooms was so funny.” – email forum comment on the Morris On set at Cropredy Festival.

One thought on “Comments”

  1. Just discovered you on facebook and going through your vids and pics has Brightened up my breakfast no end, hope I see you in Real life one day you look Great fun

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Prize-winning morris dancing for the 21st century