

The Outside Capering Crew presents morris dance for the 21st century: sometimes flashy, sometimes comic, and always with exhilarating music.

All current team members have been winners of the John Gasson Jig Competition at Sidmouth Festival, including 2023 winner Emma Laister. 

Our eclectic repertoire includes stylish morris jigs, comic hand-clapping, broom dances (tricky spins, throws and kick-ups) and brain-bending “bacca pipes” jigs – England’s answer to the Scottish sword dance, but more edgy. It’s all served up with a dash of showmanship (and a very silly horse. Or maybe a cow).

We’ve performed in America, Dubai, Sark and mainland Europe, and at major UK folk festivals.

Our showreel should raise a smile:

Click to watch our 2014 showreel (filmed and edited by ZoĆ« Rogers):

Prize-winning morris dancing for the 21st century