The Outside Capering Crew


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The estimated 18,000 audience for the Morris On concert at Cropredy Festival was probably one of the biggest ever experienced by morris dancers. The show was led by Ashley Hutchings’ Morris On band and featured two dance teams: Morris Offspring and The Outside Capering Crew. These are some of the comments made afterwards on an email forum: 

Morris On - Shoot me now. It cannot get better.

Those two dudes dancing with brooms was so funny.

Interesting to note how much the crowd seemed to love the dancing!

Morris On – surprised I actually liked these.

I usually find myself thinking  "Morris Dancing - oh no!" - but the guv’nor was never going to let us down - cracking stuff, and thank you from my daughter who loved the dancing.

The high spot of the festival in many ways. It could have been boring, just having morris tunes, but the addition of the very high quality dancing, and a very talented band really made the difference.

Morris on. I had grave reservations about this, but to my surprise loved it.

The performance on Saturday afternoon is something that will stay with me for a long, long time. The dancing was exquisite, and funny.

Was planning to have a kip when they were on, but was hooked. I found it all strangely moving and far surpassed any expectations I had.

Listened to Morris On - Ok.

Morris On - rock on. Danced till I dropped

Watching more and more of the crowd get to their feet as the set progressed showed just how much this set caught everyone's imagination.

Just superb. Just superb. Just superb.

Morris On were amazing (especially as I didn't expect to enjoy them - too many preconceived notions about morris dancing, which have now been dumped where they belong).